Dear Photo-Art Friend,

Welcome to IAPAI site!

This site intends to provide a platform for photographers to communicate, opportunities for image analysis, critique as well as other related services to fit photographers needs.

IAPAI also use it as the upload site for all photo contest that IAPAI organizes. The upload site will help you to provide an entry point for your product of art to participate in our photo contests online.

Feel free to contact us if you encountered any problem while using the site and uploading your images.

Please enjoy your stay with us!


IAPAI Operations


About us

About Us

The International Academy of Photography Art of Image (IAPAI) is a global organization registered in the United States of America focusing on a wide range of studies, services and the use of photography art of images. The individual photographer can participate in photo contests, study groups, boot camp, photo adventures and touring photo walks in the regions designed to advance their photographic knowledge and skills. Contests are held from regions opening to worldwide photographers,  IAPAI intends to provide a platform for photographers to communicate, opportunities for image analysis, critique as well as other related services to fit photographer’s needs.